
Anpac BioのCDAリキッドバイオプシー技術がFast Companyの「世界を変えるアイデア賞」受賞

Anpac Bio-Medical Science Company
2019-04-11 21:45 1800

【サクラメント(米カリフォルニア州)2019年4月11日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】Fast Company Magazineの編集者と審査団は、Anpac Bio-Medical Science Company(Anpac Bio-Medical Science Company )の「Cancer Differentiation Analysis(がん識別分析)」(Cancer Differentiation Analysis )(CDA)リキッドバイオプシー技術を国際的な2019年ヘルス&ウェルネス「World Changing Ideas Award(世界を変えるアイデア賞)」(World Changing Ideas Award )の特別賞に選定した。

Fast Company Magazine selected Anpac Bio-Medical Science Company’s “Cancer Differentiation Analysis” (CDA) Liquid Biopsy technology as an international, 2019 Health & Wellness “World Changing Ideas Award” Honorable Mention recipient this week. Anpac Bio’s CDA identifies 20+ cancers with a single, standard blood test – usually at the diseases’ earliest stages. Anpac Bio was selected by Fast Company judges tasked with recognizing, “…finished products and brave concepts that make the world better.”
Fast Company Magazine selected Anpac Bio-Medical Science Company’s “Cancer Differentiation Analysis” (CDA) Liquid Biopsy technology as an international, 2019 Health & Wellness “World Changing Ideas Award” Honorable Mention recipient this week. Anpac Bio’s CDA identifies 20+ cancers with a single, standard blood test – usually at the diseases’ earliest stages. Anpac Bio was selected by Fast Company judges tasked with recognizing, “…finished products and brave concepts that make the world better.”

「World Changing Ideas Award」(WCI)をほかに受賞したのは、IBM、インテル、アマゾン(Amazon )、ナイキ、ボストン小児病院(Boston Children's Hospital )、アボット、マイクロソフト、ナショナルジオグラフィック、ギリアド(Gilead )、Fitbit、Google、シーメンス(Siemens )、サーモフィッシャーサイエンティフィック(Thermo Fisher Scientific )、The Bill & Melinda Gates Medical Research Institute(The Bill & Melinda Gates Medical Research Institute )などである。Anpac Bioは、選定に当たったFast Company審査団から「世界をよくする完成品と大胆なコンセプト」と評された。


これまでに、World Nobel Prize Laureate Summit(世界ノーベル賞受賞者サミット)(World Nobel Prize Laureate Summit )で「流れを変える」と呼ばれて「Breakthrough Innovation Award(画期的イノベーション賞)」を受け、Global Precision Medicine Industry Awards(世界精密医療産業賞)の「Most Promising Cancer Screening Company(最も将来有望ながん検査会社)」に選ばれたAnpac Bioは最近、米国の商務省(United States Department of Commerce )から「Minority Health Firm of the Year(少数派のヘルス企業)」に選定された。卓越したCDAリキッドバイオプシー技術のおかげである。

Anpac Bioは、リキッドバイオプシーがん検査研究を開発した。研究対象になりうる包括的データ14万例余り(現時点)と世界的に有名な各病院(world-renowned hospitals )と主ながん研究者(cancer research leaders )の独自の裏付けは、CDA診断が通常は疾病初期に20タイプ以上のがんを80%-90%の感度・特異度で検知し続けていることを示している。しかも、それは患者に有害な副作用を伴っておらず、生ずる「偽陽性」ははるかに少ないうえ、イメージングなど従来の検査よりコストが大幅に低く、サンプルを提出してから数分内に結果をもたらす。Anpac BioはCDA関連特許を世界で200件以上申請し、現在まで20カ国・地域で110件が発行された。

Anpac Bio最高経営責任者(CEO)のクリス・ユー博士(Chris Yu )は「Anpac BioチームはFast Companyの『World Changing Ideas Award』に選定されたことを大いに誇りにしたい。最も重要な世界を変えるアイデアは、疾病の早期検知と予防に関わるものだと思う。当社のCDA技術はこれらの目標を達成するために開発された。われわれは今や初期段階のがんを検知し、毎週平均2人の患者を救っている。この大きな名誉を与えてくれたFast Companyに感謝したい」と語った。

詳しい情報は を参照。

Fast Company Magazine judges selected Anpac Bio-Medical Science Company’s, “Cancer Differentiation Analysis” (CDA) Liquid Biopsy technology as an international, 2019 Health & Wellness “World Changing Ideas Award” (WCI) Honorable Mention recipient. Anpac Bio’s CDA identifies 20+ early-stage cancers with a single blood test. WCI award recipients were selected from over 2,000 nominations worldwide, based on the Ideas’ feasibility; potential for impact; and demonstrated ingenuity and innovation.
Fast Company Magazine judges selected Anpac Bio-Medical Science Company’s, “Cancer Differentiation Analysis” (CDA) Liquid Biopsy technology as an international, 2019 Health & Wellness “World Changing Ideas Award” (WCI) Honorable Mention recipient. Anpac Bio’s CDA identifies 20+ early-stage cancers with a single blood test. WCI award recipients were selected from over 2,000 nominations worldwide, based on the Ideas’ feasibility; potential for impact; and demonstrated ingenuity and innovation.


International life sciences leader Anpac Bio-Medical Science Company has developed breakthrough, proprietary, "Cancer Differentiation Analysis" liquid biopsy technology that effectively reinvents cancer screening and early detection. Anpac Bio's proprietary CDA medical devices analyze simple, standard, non-invasive "Blood Biopsies" - resulting in measurably greater early cancer detection sensitivity and specificity, with no harmful side effects in patients. The proven results of 120,000 cases to date demonstrate CDA's research validity achieving an average sensitivity and specificity rate range of 75%-90% for 28+ different types of cancer -- often identifying the type and location of threatening, diseased cancer cells before they form into tumors. Fully-commercialized and the only company earning liquid biopsy revenue globally, Anpac Bio has filed 250+ CDA-related Patents; 101+ issued to date worldwide. For more information:
International life sciences leader Anpac Bio-Medical Science Company has developed breakthrough, proprietary, "Cancer Differentiation Analysis" liquid biopsy technology that effectively reinvents cancer screening and early detection. Anpac Bio's proprietary CDA medical devices analyze simple, standard, non-invasive "Blood Biopsies" - resulting in measurably greater early cancer detection sensitivity and specificity, with no harmful side effects in patients. The proven results of 120,000 cases to date demonstrate CDA's research validity achieving an average sensitivity and specificity rate range of 75%-90% for 28+ different types of cancer -- often identifying the type and location of threatening, diseased cancer cells before they form into tumors. Fully-commercialized and the only company earning liquid biopsy revenue globally, Anpac Bio has filed 250+ CDA-related Patents; 101+ issued to date worldwide. For more information:

ソース:Anpac Bio-Medical Science Company


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ソース: Anpac Bio-Medical Science Company
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