

2024-09-25 14:48 2470


ロンドン, 2024年9月25日 /PRNewswire/ -- 本日、Zekiデータが発表したディープテック人材に関する最新のグローバルレポートによると、米国は英国の3倍のディープテック企業を生み出している一方で、欧州の小規模なスタートアップは、北米に比べて高度なスキルを持つ人材の割合がはるかに高いことが明らかになりました。

North American Startups Scale 2x Faster than European: Deep-tech startups in the United States are scaling twice as fast as European counterparts.
North American Startups Scale 2x Faster than European: Deep-tech startups in the United States are scaling twice as fast as European counterparts.

「ディープテック分野における人材争奪戦:欧州対北米の対決 2024年レポートは、欧州と北米におけるディープテックの根底にあるトレンドを、人材という視点を通じて解明しています。レポートは、2020年以降、新たなディープテック企業の増加が著しく減速していることを示しています。







2.マグニフィセント・セブン 低コストの採用を最優先している:生成AIによる市場統合が、Amazon、Apple、Google、Meta、Microsoft、Nvidia、Teslaの各社で劇的な採用の変化を引き起こしています。ディープテック企業は、初期キャリアの低コスト人材を優先し、コストの高い経験豊富な人材を削減しています。






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New company formation since 2000 has been the same in North America and Europe. However, when we look at the annual growth rates of hiring advanced-skilled, deep-tech talent, North American companies have scaled much faster than their European equivalents.
New company formation since 2000 has been the same in North America and Europe. However, when we look at the annual growth rates of hiring advanced-skilled, deep-tech talent, North American companies have scaled much faster than their European equivalents.


Historically, deep-tech companies have been the main destination for global talent with advanced skills. However, this is not the case in recent years, with a dramatic drop in numbers joining deep-tech companies in the past two years.
Historically, deep-tech companies have been the main destination for global talent with advanced skills. However, this is not the case in recent years, with a dramatic drop in numbers joining deep-tech companies in the past two years.


The US is the top supplier of talent to European deep-tech companies.
The US is the top supplier of talent to European deep-tech companies.


North American companies can attract European nationals, especially those specialising in AI, although this has tailed off in recent years. However, the main alternative source of talent for North American companies is India, and to a secondary extent, China, and wider Asian countries.
North American companies can attract European nationals, especially those specialising in AI, although this has tailed off in recent years. However, the main alternative source of talent for North American companies is India, and to a secondary extent, China, and wider Asian countries.


Europe shows a much higher percentage of small companies and attract up to three times more of the productive pool of advanced-skills, deep-tech talent in their country of origin than in the US. However, this is a mixed blessing as European governments increasingly execute industrial policies to promote deep-tech at home, they run the risk of creating 'zombie start-ups': employing finite, hard-to-find human resources while increasing relying on government support.
Europe shows a much higher percentage of small companies and attract up to three times more of the productive pool of advanced-skills, deep-tech talent in their country of origin than in the US. However, this is a mixed blessing as European governments increasingly execute industrial policies to promote deep-tech at home, they run the risk of creating 'zombie start-ups': employing finite, hard-to-find human resources while increasing relying on government support.


This shift to hiring early-career talent reserves a trend across the Magnificent Seven going back to 2014. It is also a general trend across deep-tech as companies, for different reasons, seek to make the most efficient use of free cash flow as they face new challenges after the COVID-19 pandemic, be they technical or financial.
This shift to hiring early-career talent reserves a trend across the Magnificent Seven going back to 2014. It is also a general trend across deep-tech as companies, for different reasons, seek to make the most efficient use of free cash flow as they face new challenges after the COVID-19 pandemic, be they technical or financial.



ソース: Zeki